Keynote Speaking

Looking to motivate your team at an upcoming off-site or kick-off? Hosting an event for your clients and want a guest speaker to inspire the audience? Aluba has a powerful ability to captivate an audience and take them on a journey. Below are just a few of the many topics he is often requested to speak on:

Flow States

Flow is the optimal state of human performance. McKinsey found executives who reported being in flow were X5 times more productive. And DARPA has witnessed increases in learning speeds of 230% after inducing flow states in novice snippers. This session examines the science behind flow states, its triggers and its blockers, and how to hack the state both individually and collectively to achieve 10x performance outcomes.

Courageous Leadership

When Psychological Safety is high people feel safe to be vulnerable and take risks without the fear of retribution or revenge. Research by Google indicates that it is the most important marker of high performing teams. However, what happens when it is low or has been recently eroded? Now it takes real courage to be vulnerable and take risks. Leaders must model this courage and vulnerability AND they must effectively meet their people where they are at to encourage them beyond their comfort zone. How can leaders communicate with real empathy as they challenge their people to cross their edges?

Avoiding Burnout

Burnout is a systemic issue across the corporate world today. It is estimated to cost business over $1 trillion annually and is a key blocker of high performance. Added to this there is the terrible human toll. What are the root causes of the state and how can individuals and organisations effectively mitigate the risks?


Resilience is our ability to endure life, no matter what comes our way. As humans we have an innate level of resilience, indeed we are all capable of far more than we believe. It is often not until circumstances force us to dig deep, that we really begin to connect to the power that lies within. However, circumstances can also challenge our levels of resilience to the point of breaking leading to burnout and a drop in performance levels. What are the 5 components of resilience and how can it be enhanced for both individuals and organisations?


Athletes describe sleep as the most potent high performance drug on the planet. However, many corporate athletes are sleep deprived and as a result not operating at their best and at risk of burnout. How can we take a more intentional approach to the quality and quantity of sleep we get? And why is it so important?

If your physical health isn’t working, your brain won’t work.

Dave Asprey

“I had the pleasure of working with Aluba on our EMEA Regional Kick off where he presented a session on Biohacking. He is hugely insightful and his session was a huge hit with our teams helping them to introduce lifestyle hacks to harness their full potential. 

He is a dynamic presenter and his sessions are thought-provoking and interactive. A great way to reset and shift your mindset to tackle another year of huge growth! Thanks Aluba!”

Cathy Conneff, International Skills and Sales Leaders Programs, Salesforce