Team Development
Here you will find a number of team coaching & training sessions designed to enable you foster deeper connections within the team as well as unlocking the team’s potential and enhancing its performance. The sessions can either be delivered remotely or in person.
If you are interested in running any of these sessions with your team, or want a program that includes a number of the sessions to take the team on a developmental journey, then simply book a discovery call to discuss your team's requirements.
Collaboration is the secret to breakthrough creativity. Let’s liberate the imagination, creative potential and performance of your team!
“Sound Leadership, like true love, to which I suspect it is closely related, is all powerful. It can overcome the seemingly impossible and its effect on both the leader and the led is profound and lasting.”
High Performance (Flow States)
Flow is the optimal state of human performance. When in the state one’s experience is effortless, timeless, selfless and rich. McKinsey found executives who reported being in flow were X5 times more productive. And DARPA has witnessed increases in learning speeds of 230% after inducing flow in novice snippers. This session examines the science behind flow states, its triggers and its blockers, and how to hack the state both individually and collectively to achieve 10x performance outcomes.
Learning Objectives
Explain what the research on flow states says about learning and productivity.
Describe the flow cycle and how to hack it.
Discuss the triggers and the blockers of the state.
List actions folks will take both individually and collectively to enhance flow.
Timing: 90 - 120 mins
“I loved this training! Probably my favourite at Google to date. I enjoyed Aluba as the coach/speaker, very charismatic and clearly passionate about his work. What was great about this particular session was that it wasn't wishy washy rubbish, it was very practical and science based, giving us knowledge and pragmatic steps to build in some consistency and consciousness of our mental/physical state in order to perform at our best. I enjoyed the insight into different industries where Flow has been adopted, defence/sport/high performance sales etc... Aluba kept time for questions and answered them in a clear and succinct way. All in all, a fantastic session.” - Sales Director
Growth Mindset
A growth mindset means that you believe your intelligence and talents can be developed over time. A fixed mindset means that you believe intelligence is fixed—so if you’re not good at something, you might believe you’ll never be good at it. A fixed Mindset is one of the major blockers to the Flow State. In this session we explore how to identify where we may have fixed mindsets at play and to install growth mindsets to replace them. We will do this with the use of a very simple mindset Coaching tool.
Learning Objectives
Differentiate between Fixed and Growth Mindsets
Identify limiting fixed mindsets
Install enabling growth mindsets
Timing: 90 - 120 mins
“I see there being lasting positive impacts from this session! I think every team should have a session like this, as it not only translates directly to approaching one's role in work, but also in our personal lives & holistic selves.”
Sales Executive
“The event was awesome. I think it would be helpful to have this about twice a year to see where we are at with our thinking and see how it's impacted our sales throughout the year.” - Sales Director
Motivation is the spark that gets you going. Clear Goals define the road you will travel. GRIT is what keeps you on the road. GRIT is the hallmark of high achievers in every domain. It is defined as a combination of passion and perseverance directed at a singularly important goal. And it can be trained! In this session we look at the six different types of GRIT, how they relate to our game and how to train them to be more effective at work.
Learning Objectives
Define what we mean by GRIT
Explain the six different types of GRIT and how they relate to Sales
Identify ways to train each type of GRIT
Timing: 90 - 120 mins
“Great tips on how to train the discipline to DO THE HARD THING consistently and persistently as we strive to deliver another year of massive growth.”
VP Sales
“Thank you Aluba for running a fantastic workshop with the team! I cannot emphasise enough how crucial this workshop has been to ensuring the sellers are motivated and going into the year ahead with the right mindset. The sessions provided a forum for the team to explore what sales behaviours we need to double down on, where we need to improve and reinforced some of the sales discipline we've been working on. As a sales manager, the frameworks and approaches we all agreed on in these sessions, allows me to enforce sales rigour and discipline throughout the year.” - Sales Director
Resilience is our ability to endure life, no matter what comes our way. Resilience Builder is an assessment tool that measures an individual's level of resilience across 5 different domains. The report then further breaks down these 5 domains into their various sub-components providing a score for each area and actionable insights that enable individuals and teams to increase their level of resilience. A hugely valuable tool to gain awareness of where the team is at in this important area and design specific targeting interventions to upgrade levels of resilience and performance across the team.
*Prior to the session folks need to take the Resilience Builder assessment.
Learning Objectives
Identify the team's level of Resilience across 5 discrete domains.
Identify the sub-components impacting resilience levels in each domain.
Understand the importance of resilience to our performance and wellbeing.
Plan what steps to take to increase resilience levels across the team.
Timing: 120 mins
“This assessment really enabled us to identify where the organisation was at and then define targeted interventions at all levels to elevate the resilience of our teams and employees. The data insights are hugely valuable for driving meaningful change.”
Managing Director
Human Flourishing
One of the highest aspirations leaders hold for their teams is to increase levels of productivity. Yet so many programs designed to deliver such outcomes fail. Why? This session looks at the many false narratives around productivity, introduces a simple equation to think about productivity, and offers a model (PERMA) that leaders can leverage to move their people from languishing to flourishing with associated increases in productivity levels.
Learning Objectives
Understand the many false narratives surrounding productivity
Apply the PERMA model to boost team productivity
Understand how to Coach optimism and its impact on productivity
Timing: 90 - 120 mins
“Considering all that's happening at a macro & company level utilising the PERMA model to focus on High Productivity was a perfect fit and I have received rave reviews from the audience of Directors & Field Sales Managers.”
Sales Director
“Thank you so much Aluba for bringing your coaching experience to our Leadership Team off-site to help us prepare 2023. Your facilitation skills were really appreciated by the Leadership Team and helped us a lot to think about our approach to productivity both individually and collectively.” - Managing Director
Avoiding Burnout
Burnout is a systemic issue across the corporate world today. It is estimated to cost business over $1 trillion annually and is a key blocker of high performance. Added to this there is the terrible human toll. Recent research by Glint found over 78% of managers reported symptoms of burnout. These include:
Overwhelming Exhaustion
Lack of Self-Efficacy
This session raises awareness of the root causes of the burnout state and offers suggestion for how people can adjust their behaviour to mitigate their risks.
Learning Objectives
Re-define what success looks / feels like.
Describe the state of burnout and its triggers.
Identify actions to help improve wellness outcomes.
Timing: 90 - 120 mins
"Thank you for delivering a very powerful presentation during my team's offsite on how to maintain a top performance and don't get burned out. The framework you have recommended will be very useful. You have touched on many important topics and told your own personal story that resonated very well with many people who seek balance at work and life. Thank you for this."
Senior Director
Setting Boundaries
Boundaries are crucial to our relationships. In this session we’ll explore how to create thriving relationships without resentment, exhaustion or distress. How to set boundaries in a way that deepens your connections. How to feel seen, heard and understood through sharing your inner needs and making space to receive them! This is an excellent session for changing codependent patterns, learning to speak up without feeling guilty, and more deeply understanding where you end and someone else begins!
Learning Objectives
Explain what boundaries are.
Describe how to build and maintain boundaries.
Explore how to hold boundaries in the face of manipulation strategies.
Identify how to best approach extending beyond our boundaries.
Timing: 90 - 120 mins
“Loved learning how to see through the different methods of manipulation / persuasion and how to say no with conviction!”
Technical Pre-Sales Consultant
Immediate Feedback is one of the key triggers for high performance and the Flow state. This session explores how to deliver feedback skillfully and introduces 2 models of excellence to support the process. It also considers why feedback is often hard to take and how to build awareness and adaptability when it comes to our approach to feedback. A great session for managers as they prepare for important conversations particularly around performance.
Learning Objectives
Identify what is low flow feedback.
Explain the principles of high flow feedback.
Apply radical candor framework.
Apply the 2X2 and COIN feedback models.
Timing: 90 - 120 mins
"This session was super helpful as we prepare for performance review conversations and I loved the opportunity to practice using the feedback models during the session." - Sales Manager
Strengths Finder
Know Thyself! Our strengths are the exponential levers of our potential. Individuals and teams develop and perform best when they learn to recognise and leverage their strengths. This session enhances familiarity within the team, examines the link between strengths and leadership style, fosters collaboration and creates awareness of the group’s genius.
Prior to the session folks need to take the Clifton Strengths Finder assessment to determine their top 5 strengths.
Learning Objectives
Identify your top 5 strengths
Evaluate the value of the strengths of your team members, and the team as a whole
Describe the different types of leadership styles across the team
Discuss how to leverage your strengths to maximize your potential
Timing: 90 - 120 mins
“I would like to say a massive thank you Aluba for the incredible Strengthsfinder session. The entire team found the session extremely valuable and we learnt so much about ourselves and each other. Aluba you are a fantastic coach and facilitator. Your insights about how our team can work better together going forward are going to be a game changer in our collaboration and team dynamics! Thank you once again, Aluba.” - Sales Manager
Designed Team Alliance
This session begins by having the team co-create a set of agreements related to the atmosphere they want to create within the team. What’s most important and how will they hold one another accountable to the agreements. The team will also consider how they want to be together when conflict arises and what they need to co-create as an atmosphere in order for the team to thrive. Following this the team then go into a second exercise where they explore how they can fully embody the team values and unfold where there may be some resistance to doing this.
Learning Objectives
Co-create a set of team agreements and identify the most important values
Explain how fully embodying these values impacts the team
Review the agreements regularly as a living document
Timing: 90 - 120 mins
“Hi Aluba, This is a great shout out for the amazing, inspiring and a game changing session around Team Building you ran for our team. I received unanimous positive feedback on your capability to inspire and challenge people at the same time. You demonstrated excellent experience and phenomenal moderation skills that helped us to get together and open up around our personal businesses and personal challenges at work. We are grateful to have you with us and we look forward to spending more time with you going forward.” - Sales Director
Bringing Down the Vision
An exercise that employs a creative visualisation process to engage the team's creative unconscious. Initially working at a metaphorical level to explore the essence of the team's vision, then shifting into a dreaming state to explore ideas related to values, obstacles and how the vision might be made manifest, and finally shifting into consensus reality to ground the vision and agree on some methods and metrics to support its implementation.
Learning Objectives
Identify a clear team vision.
Describe the important values required to realise the vision.
Outline a high level plan to realise the vision.
Timing: 90-120 mins
“Thank you for an amazing session! I’m now ready to fulfil my objective of presenting a clear and motivating foundation for the team in the upcoming EMEA Town Hall. My aim is for every country leader to apply this vision to their regions and for the metrics to be the foundation of our Org & Team Goal setting in late Feb / early March. You have made a significant contribution in helping me to set our teams up for success in the year ahead.”
Managing Director
Team Accountability
Promises are the way we co-ordinate our actions across the organisation. So what makes a good promise? And how can we effectively hold each other accountable to the promises we make? This session introduces a model of excellence for holding teams accountable - the cycle of the promise.
Learning Objectives
Describe what constitutes a well formed request.
Explain what makes a good promise.
Apply the model of the cycle of the promise.
Timing: 90 - 120 mins
"The Cycle of the Promise as a model was game changing. I can see right away how this will help build greater levels of accountability across the team." - Sales Director
Team Harmony
This session seeks to help the team explore certain behaviours that are toxic to effective collaboration and can lead to the breakdown of psychological safety and trust. Through a Coaching exercise the team explore the behaviours, raising awareness of where they might be playing out in the team, taking ownership for when they themselves exhibit the behaviours and looking at ways to mitigate them when they arise by understanding the intention behind the behaviours. A great session for teams who may be struggling with team cohesion/harmony.
Learning Objectives
Identify the four behaviours that are toxic to team relationships.
Explain the positive intent of each of the four behaviours.
Describe how to effectively deal with the behaviours when they arise within the team.
List a set of agreements related to how the team will be when conflict arises.
Timing: 90 - 120 mins
"Thank you for the time, skill and energy you brought to the session you had with the team. You helped us surface some difficult issues and gave us plenty to think about and action." - Country Leader
Cross-Functional Success
We are stronger when we act together. From tighter alignment between functional divisions, to better working with partners, to engaging clients with confidence we win when we can show up with a united front. LANDS WORK is a coaching tool designed to bring cross functional teams together so that they can develop greater empathy for each other and better approaches to collaboration on a common goal.
Learning Objectives
Explore each other's LAND to develop empathetic insights.
Align on a common view of OUR LAND (united front)
Plan next steps to enhance communication & collaboration.
Timing: 2 - 3 hours
*NOTE: This session requires in person delivery.
“It was a very effective way to stand in the shoes of others and the moving between lands created a noticeable emotional shift that makes the exercise memorable.”
Finance Director
C-Level Conversations
Sales Leaders! Are your people struggling to close deals due to a lack of effective engagement with the C-Suite? Do you need to help them set a new standard when it comes to building relationships at C-level? This program seeks to inspire, show and coach sales people to effectively engage C-Suite audiences.
Learning Objectives
Explore the teams current mindset, emotions and habits when seeking to engage at C-level.
Understand the mindset of the C-Suite buyer.
Identify effective strategies to inspire the client.
Describe how to tailor your communication to specific C-Suite buyers.
Plan how to unlock success in deals that are stuck,
This session is a combination of both sales coaching and sales training delivered in conjunction with Declan Tyrell the CFO Whisperer.
Listen to the podcast with Aluba and Declan here.
Timing: 2-3 hours
Working with Aluba & Declan has helped me and my team demistify how to be authentic, transparent and deliberate when working with senior finance professionals across all of our customer base. I think now more than ever it is important to be fluent in the levers that make the most difference to finance leaders inside of large enterprize organisations.